There is a massive variety of paint ranges available for painting your chosen miniatures, we're strong believers in choosing the right paint for the job, and picking and choosing between the available manufacturers.
A brief overview of the different types of paint:
Paint � as it says on the tin, your standard stuff, some ranges have special basing paints, which're made to cover particularly well (even over a black undercoat). These're usually called something like 'Foundation, Base, or Extra Opaque'.
Washes � the best discovery in the last decade as far as the hobby goes! These are semi-translucent paints which're 'washed' over a section, and tend to pool in recesses, shading your miniature very smoothly.
Spray primers � the fastest way to lay down a colour of your choice, which can save hours of basecoating by hand. Sprays also protect your miniatures far better the brushed on paint, so will lead to them having a longer life on the gaming table.
Special effects paints, mediums, etc. - This is the fancy stuff � it can make your paint take longer to dry to increase workability and blends, make it more transparent, you can buy effects to simulate water, snow, mud, and weathering etc.
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