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Field Reporters (3) Product Description
"But that wasn't the assignment!" She huffed. "The assignment was to infiltrate a Union protest and investigate ties to the Arcanist movement. I did that and I'm reporting what I found. There were no Arcanist ties that I was able to gather."
Nellie kept scratching out lines with her pen. "I know the assignment; I gave it to you! I'm not telling you to lie, just to make it more colourful. Give it some pop! Tell the tale with more glamrificance! Look here," She said pointing at the page. "This section: 'members of the protest were wary of the Guild's Witch Hunters.' We could easily change that to, 'Fearful of being accused of sorcery, or Arcanist ties, many of the members kept to the shadows, looking fearfully over their shoulders.' It's not a lie just an elaboration. People will read it and think, 'Well do they have something to hide? Something to fear?"
The reporter pinched the bridge of her nose. "You made up the word glamrificance,' didn't you?"
Nellie Glared.
Guild Box Set, containing three 32mm 'heroic' scale miniatures made of high quality plastic.