The secretive and holy Order of the Gøderguard was founded by the demigod Haldan Bergthor's retinue of thanes, and contains several martial brotherhoods, the mightiest of which are the Einherjer. These Dwarves are dedicated to the Asrae gods, in particular the Vættir Pantheon.
With a Melee skill of 7 and power 7 attacks, these warriors have incredible offensive capability. However even this is overshadowed by their staying power due to their fantastic armor, high life-points and Resilient ability.
So renowned are the Einherjer and so devout are they, that horror-and fear causing models must themselves pass leadership tests to attack them.
Their one disadvantage is their maneuverability - with a maximum movement of 8 inches per turn, they are not strategically flexible to run around the table.
Einherjer are most powerful when led by the Runegate Keeper and backed up by a Valkyrie and a Brewer of Odrorir.