28 mm scale high quality metal cast miniature from Wolsung World.
The miniature kit has 2 pieces.
All miniatures supplied unpainted.
May require preparation and assembly.
Provided with a 30mm premium plastic round base.
Created by Kul Asyrk
Based on artwork by Mateusz 'nightwind' Bielski

"The operation principle of the Spiritechnic Missile Deflector is surprisingly simple. I use a complicated system of runic gears, which unleash a spell, which sets the shielded objects into astral vibrations. That is to say, the objects are very quickly being transported between the physical reality and the spirit realm. Meanwhile, all accelerated objects are put into an inverse vibration. As a result, when the bullet is in our world, the shielded person is in the Astral, and the other way around. It all happens very fast, hence the faint shimmer. Dangerous? Why would it be dangerous?"
"Let me present another curious fact. A press of a button and... (deafening noise). I do hope you weren’t all that attached to that arbor, my lady."
A young, ambitious scientist from Jotunheim, exploring hazardous issues from within the bounds of technomagic and spiritism. His uncompromising approach to research made him a lot of enemies, and prompted him to leave the country in a hurry. Mr Nielsgaard currently resides in Lyonesse, where he continues his research under the wing of the Inventors Club. On further acquaintance he turns out to be as nice as he is insane – and one has to admit him to be exceedingly nice.