The set consist of three unpainted models (Sir Zachary and two dogs)
Miniatures supplied unpainted and may require assembly.
Provided with a 30mm premium plastic round bases.
Created by RafaĆ Cyman

„See, Abihnav? Watch and learn. This is how you shoot. Because you, as usual, missed the target and shot Sir Lance’s top hat off. You have to practice more, Abihnav. Practice makes perfect.”
“Tear him to shreds! Get him! Get him, you dumb dogs... Kindly forgive the fawning, sir, they still haven’t finished their training.”
Zachary Fiercebatten III is a grandson of the well-known and decorated war veteran Sir Zachary Fiercebatten. Unlike his grandfather, Zach is slightly less… capable. This does not stop him from enjoying a life of game hunting and boasting. His family’s great wealth allows him to run lavish “before hunting expedition” and “after hunting expedition” parties, which can drag on up to a fortnight and take place in up to a dozen different family estates. He is always sure to bring the largest and newest gun and only the best beverages to a hunt.
Zach loves his Basset dogs and believes them to be the greatest and bravest hunting hounds, with tracking abilities second to none. Nobody has the nerve to tell him otherwise.