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Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard Product Description
The Realm of Battle Gameboard is Citadel's high quality, plastic, modular gaming surface. Made from the same plastic as your Citadel miniatures, each of its six unique sections are finely-detailed, robust and can be painted in exactly the same way as the rest of your miniature collection. These six 2' x 2' sections can be arranged to create three styles of board: a central hill, a large valley or an open plain. You can arrange the sections in a number of different ways to create further variation within these three types. Supplied with its own carry-bag, the Citadel Realm of Battle GameBoard is portable and easy to store.
This set contains six unique 2' x 2' rigid-plastic board sections and 32 plastic connectors (14 are required for assembly, the others are spares), enabling you to assemble a 6' x 4' gaming table. The Citadel Realm of Battle Gameboard is supplied in a nylon zip-up bag with a shoulder strap, carrying handle and internal pocket.