28 mm scale high quality metal cast miniature from Wolsung World.
All miniatures supplied unpainted.
May require preparation and assembly.
Provided with a 30mm premium plastic round base.
Created by RafaĆ Cyman

"I’ve been signing contracts and negotiating with the workers for half a day, and then it turned out that the difference engine went haywire. I had to make the decision to demolish the entire west wing of the factory. On the other hand, I was able to get some exercise and test out the new equipment. Plus, there’s nothing like lighting a good cigar off a giant steel golem’s burning wreckage after a hard day’s work..."
"Dunn-duh-duh-DUNNN-DUNN, Dunn-duh-duh-DUNNN-DUNN! (Music from the gramophone gets gradually replaced with explosion noises) I love the smell of phlogiston in the morning!"
Thomas Rockheart Jr is the president of Rokheart & Rockheart Automatonics, which, after the recent merger with Wotanian Steinfaust Kohl und Eisen, became one of the biggest corporations on the islands. The ambitious dwarf practically never leaves the design office in Blackstone, where he personally tests all the prototypes getting prepared for production.
Mr Rockheart smokes like a chimney, firmly believes in his own indestructibility, and has probably never even heard of health and safety protocols.