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Blackstone Fortress: No Respite (English) Product Description
The Set Includes:
� 3 multipart, push fit Plague Marine miniatures
� 6 multipart, push fit and single-piece Poxwalker miniatures
� 1 24-page No Respite booklet
� 1 Thrice-cursed Shrine Sheet
� 2 Punchboards, containing 56 tokens
� 9 double-sided Plague cards
� 12 Affliction cards
� 12 Exploration cards
� 4 Encounter cards
� 2 Hostile Reference cards
� 3 Node of Corruption cards
� 3 Medical Marvel cards
� 1 Thrice-cursed Shrine envelope (containing your reward for success)
You will need a copy of Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress and Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress � Escalation to use the contents of this set.